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Commercial Traders Have Created A Unique Online Calculator


As a business owners or manager its natural to want to cut costs from your bottomline, but what if those savings turn out to be false economy.  This is why we created a Lost Productivity Calculator and it goes like this:

What could 1 hour per week, per staff member be costing your business per year (48 weeks) in lost productivity from uncomfortable office chairs. Enter the number of staff and an average hourly rate per staff member.

For instance, with a staff of ten people, Cost Of Uncomfortable Chairs / Year

$ 9,600. Cost of more comfortable chairs at $300 is $3000

Length Of Ownership

Assuming a worst case scenario where the new chairs only last 5 years. Even though most of our chairs come with a 10 year guarantee.

Cost Per Year For New Chairs

$ 600. Annual Return On Investment 1,600 %.

If you think that new office chairs would add to your bottom line then check out the productivity calculator here

Picking a chair can be tough. There are so many to choose from and just like beds they all look the same, so Commercial Traders have put together a selection of their most popular office chairs 

You don't have to spend a lot to get a comfortable ergonomic chair, and in the $300 range they recommend Urban Mesh, Evo 3 Luxe and Roma 3 Highback Chair. In the $400 range they feature dynamic, comfortable chairs that will provide all day comfort for most body types. Aura Ergo+Task chairs, Mentor Mesh and Metro II 24/7

Finally, in the $500 range they have a range of super comfortable chairs, especially if you require something bigger, including Urban Mesh, Evo3 Luxe and Roma 3, their biggest selling chair.

So for more information on office chairs Auckland, ergonomic chairs and office cabinets please go to .

Mark Redshaw
Sales Straordinario at Commercial Traders Office Furniture.


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